Job Enrichment

美 [dʒoʊb ɪnˈrɪtʃmənt]英 [dʒəʊb ɪnˈrɪtʃmənt]
  • 网络工作丰富化;工作充实;职务丰富化
Job EnrichmentJob Enrichment
  1. Job enrichment ; Incentive piecework system is suited for production workers .


  2. Job enrichment should be distinguished from job enlargement .


  3. The work includes : job enrichment ;


  4. In the respect of intrinsic motivation , the author puts forward job enrichment , career development management , various training and modern organization culture .


  5. One night while discussing job enrichment , the teacher asked if any of us would be happy doing what we did that day for the rest of our lives .


  6. Hence , we suggest that enterprises should pay attention to rational division of job and job enrichment and establish fair-rational motivational mechanism to opportunity equalization and attach importance to employees ' achievement sense , so that they can improve employees ' job satisfaction and work efficiency .


  7. Some of these funds will invest wisely , but many will pursue non-commercial goals , from job creation to crony enrichment .


  8. More involved fathers experience greater job satisfaction and work-family enrichment , and less work-family conflict ; and they are less likely to think about quitting their jobs , the researchers wrote .


  9. A focus on increasing job complexity through job enlargement , job enrichment , and the construction of jobs around sociotechnical systems .
